Welcome to Volume 3 of SWCC's newsletter campaign, here's a quick summary:
Our raft crew had a jam packed summer and supported some cool projects!
The 3rd Annual Peace & Unity Summit gathering was a great success
2nd Anniversary of the Meziadin Indigenous Protected Area - guest speaker Dr. David Suzuki
Calls To Action
Click the button to view our Summer Newsletter & read more in-depth updates:

Support the Unist’ot’en Camp -donate
Support the Peace & Unity Summit - donate
Hlimoo Sustainable Solutions - website
Support Gidimt’en - donate
Support the Wilp Wii'Litsxw Meziadin Indigenous Protected Area - petition
HA NII TOKXW: OUR FOOD TABLE - watch the documentary; from Vovo Productions “The story of the indigenous Gitanyow people and their struggle to protect their traditional lands and "food table" in the face of climate change, industrialization and colonization in Northern British Columbia.”
Read the Meziadin Indigenous IPA Management Plan - PDF
Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs - website
Watch the livestream recordings of the Peace & Unity Summit
Social media links:
Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition - Facebook
Hlimoo Sustainable Solutions - Instagram
SWCC.Rafting - Facebook
Women On Water (SWCC) - Facebook
SWCC.Rafting - Instagram